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Feedback systems are structured frameworks designed to gather insights from various stakeholders, turning opinions into actionable data to optimize products, support and overall customer experience. These systems capture input from all parties involved in a business motion, including customers, partners, and employees, providing a comprehensive view of performance and areas for improvement. Effective feedback systems are important for understanding the needs and expectations of different stakeholders, helping organizations to make informed decisions and continuously improve.

In the context of partnerships, feedback systems play a role in capturing the opinions and experiences of channel partners. This helps businesses understand channel performance, evaluate the effectiveness of sales enablement efforts, and identify areas where partner support can be enhanced. By systematically collecting and analyzing feedback, companies can build stronger, more productive relationships with their partners. Feedback systems can take various forms, including user surveys, support tickets, in-app feedback buttons and regular review meetings. The data collected through these channels is then analyzed to identify trends, uncover issues and prioritize enhancements.


To ensure their data visualization platform met the evolving needs of scientists, the B2B SaaS company implemented a multi-channel feedback system, resulting in the development of new features highly requested by their most active users.


Firmographics refer to descriptive data sets used in marketing and business intelligence to segment and categorize organizations. Similar to demographics but focusing on businesses rather than individuals, firmographics provide valuable information that helps in understanding and targeting B2B enterprises effectively. This data includes critical details such as industry vertical, annual revenue, number of employees, geographical location, organizational structure and performance metrics.

This data is instrumental in creating thorough profiles of target organizations, allowing for tailored marketing strategies, sales approaches and partnership initiatives. By analyzing firmographics, companies can identify potential customers, evaluate market opportunities, and optimize resource allocation based on the specific needs and characteristics of different segments.

In the context of partnerships, firmographics play an important role in identifying synergistic opportunities between businesses. By comparing firmographic profiles, companies can assess business and customer overlaps, identify complementary strengths and pinpoint ideal partnership prospects to effectively drive growth.


When building the ideal partner profile at his B2B SaaS company, Will began by meticulously documenting his company's firmographics, including industry, size, and revenue, in order to identify and strategically market his new partner program to enterprises sharing a similar customer base and complementary solutions.


A flat commission (also called a flat reward) is a commission structure where partners are paid a fixed amount of money for a sale as opposed to a percentage of the deal. The amount paid for the lead or referral is the same regardless of the value of any potential sale that could occur as a result.

Commissions and rewards can also be paid as a percentage of the value of the sale made as a result of the lead or referral. Neither approach is wrong as long as your commission structure is appealing enough to incentive partners. When offering flat rewards, vendors should be aware of the risk of bad leads being sent for the purpose of earning money.


If a referral program paid $20 for every qualified lead it was sent, that would be a flat reward or commission.


Fractional hire is the act of engaging of a skilled professional on a part-time or project-based basis. Rather than hiring a full-time employee, companies opt for fractional hires to access specialized expertise without the long-term commitment.

This model is particularly common in roles like marketing, sales and finance, where specific skills or experience are needed for a defined period. Fractional hires offer flexibility, cost-efficiency and access to a wider talent pool, enabling B2B companies to scale their operations effectively and efficiently.


Lydia was an excellent fractional hire for the brand team; she brought a lot of T-shaped skills without the committment or overhead of hiring a full-time employee.


A fraudulent transaction is an unauthorized referral or purchase that’s deliberately deceitful or risky. It's important that B2B SaaS sites use sophisticated fraud prevention software to protect the integrity of their transactions and detect suspicious activity right away.

Falling victim to such schemes can be extremely damaging, resulting in not only direct financial losses and costly investigations, but also the potential ruin of a company's hard-earned reputation. The break of trust among customers, partners and investors can have far-reaching consequences for future business prospects.

In the world of B2B, invoice fraud (submitting fake invoices for phantom goods or services) and unauthorized referrals (manipulation of referral programs to generate fake referrals) are particularly insidious. To protect themselves against these threats, businesses need to take multiple defense measures.

PartnerStack's fraud suite performs a series of checks and flags suspicious activity, including but not limited to purchases that are made with an unverified payment source, purchases that exceed a predefined threshold, and referral IP address similarities.


A fraudulent buyer tried to make a purchase with a bad payment source, but PartnerStack's fraud prevention suite flagged it right away. No fraud here!