For Partners & Publishers

The best partnerships
in B2B SaaS

PartnerStack is the world’s largest B2B partnerships network. Start earning with the best in SaaS today.

Why Join?

Your revenue opportunity awaits

Join the ranks of 80,000+ active partners connecting with top software brands to grow revenue.


top brands paying partners


in annual sales revenue driven by partners


in annual commissions paid to partners

How It Works

Get paid today, tomorrow and in perpetuity

Earn commissions at any stage of the customer journey thanks to PartnerStack’s robust tracking links and analytics.

Recurring revenue share

PartnerStack tracks recurring subscription payments so that you can earn on recurring subscription payments, renewals, and any upsells made along the way.

Recurring Revenue Share

PartnerStack tracks recurring subscription payments so that you can earn on recurring subscription payments, renewals, and any upsells made along the way.

Deal registration

Get paid to drive deals. Earn when you register deals with qualified customers directly in your PartnerStack dashboard.

One-time actions

PartnerStack makes it easy for companies to pay you for driving one-time customer actions with cost per lead, cost per click and cost per action commission structures.

Rely on our people and platform

The B2B SaaS platform and network loved by users

Industry-leading expertise

Access world-class support from our Network Success Team, a group of highly-skilled B2B partnerships experts, with the unique knowledge and skills to help you create a portfolio of SaaS partnerships aligned with your revenue goals and technical needs.

illustration of partner performance UI

Simplify your payouts

Easily access your monthly commissions payouts when you connect your payment method of choice to your PartnerStack account. PartnerStack supports multi-currency payouts around the world through your payment method of choice — Stripe, Paypal or direct deposit.

Seamlessly manage and grow your partnerships

Get access to unparalleled B2B tracking and analytics to understand and earn on customer activity at every stage of the purchase funnel. Plus, manage relationships with partnerships managers, access support and more, right from your PartnerStack dashboard.

Promote PartnerStack

Become a certified PartnerStack partner.