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Fraudulent Transactions

Fraudulent Transactions


A fraudulent transaction is an unauthorized referral or purchase that’s deliberately deceitful or risky. It's important that B2B SaaS sites use sophisticated fraud prevention software to protect the integrity of their transactions and detect suspicious activity right away.

Falling victim to such schemes can be extremely damaging, resulting in not only direct financial losses and costly investigations, but also the potential ruin of a company's hard-earned reputation. The break of trust among customers, partners and investors can have far-reaching consequences for future business prospects.

In the world of B2B, invoice fraud (submitting fake invoices for phantom goods or services) and unauthorized referrals (manipulation of referral programs to generate fake referrals) are particularly insidious. To protect themselves against these threats, businesses need to take multiple defense measures.

PartnerStack's fraud suite performs a series of checks and flags suspicious activity, including but not limited to purchases that are made with an unverified payment source, purchases that exceed a predefined threshold, and referral IP address similarities.


A fraudulent buyer tried to make a purchase with a bad payment source, but PartnerStack's fraud prevention suite flagged it right away. No fraud here!

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