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Partner Join Source

Partner Join Source


A partner join source indicates the channel from which a partner discovers and applies to your program.

Partner join sources can vary widely. They might include your owned channels, such as your website, email campaigns or paid advertising. They could also be referrals from existing partners who are enthusiastic about your program. Or, they might come through a partner network, a platform that connects businesses with potential partners.

Understanding partner join sources is important for boosting recruitment efforts. By tracking which channels are the most effective at attracting partners, you can allocate your resources more efficiently and tailor the messaging for the target audience.

For finding new and effectives partner join sources, you should start by defining their ideal partner profile. Looking at criteria such as industry, location, audience, and value propositions helps to identify what partners you should be looking for.

Once you’ve narrowed down which partners would be best to work with, you can narrow down which channels they are using and target them appropriately.


Randall noticed that after a recent revamp of the partner page on their website, it became the most popular partner join source for their program.

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