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Partner Acquisition

Partner Acquisition


Partner acquisition refers to growing a partner program by identifying, recruiting and onboarding new partners.

Identifying the right partners requires thorough research to ensure potential partners align with the company’s goals, understand the product value and can unlock new customer markets. Once identified, partners are then recruited and invited to apply for the program.

Successful recruitment goes beyond adding names to a roster, it’s about building trust and crafting mutually beneficial relationships. Open communication, skillful negotiation and a collaborative approach are essential to make sure everyone is on the same page and excited about the partnership.

Onboarding new partners is the next critical step that equips partners with the tools, training, and support they need to get started and start generating revenue. As partners typically work with many different companies, it’s important to actively engage new partners so they feel valued and sell the company’s solution ahead of others.

Active partner acquisition is a core component of a healthy partnership program that is more likely to thrive in the long run, adapt to market changes, and meet the evolving needs of customers.


Through a strategic partner acquisition initiative targeting a network of B2B content creators on YouTube, a cloud-based sales platform unlocked new markets and experienced explosive B2B customer growth.

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