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Ecosystem Analysis

Ecosystem Analysis


An ecosystem analysis is a comprehensive evaluation of the health, performance and overall effectiveness of your partner network. Ecosystem analysis involves taking stock of your existing partners, understanding their individual needs and pain points and identifying potential areas for collaboration and growth.

This includes everything from partner strategy and selection to engagement and performance. It looks at the effectiveness of your communication and collaboration efforts and the alignment of your goals and strategies with those of your partners.

This analysis aims to answer three critical questions:

  • Are we effectively leveraging our partner ecosystem to drive growth, innovation and agility?
  • Are we fostering strong relationships and collaboration within our ecosystem to maximize value creation?
  • Are our partners thriving and achieving their desired outcomes through their participation in our ecosystem?

By answering these questions and analyzing key metrics like partner-influenced revenue, innovation, engagement and customer experience, you can gain a holistic understanding of your ecosystem's health and identify areas for improvement.

This approach allows you to make informed decisions backed by data about partner selection, engagement and resource allocation, maximizing the value of your partnerships and driving sustainable growth.


As part of their go-to-market strategy, the marketing automation SaaS company conducted an ecosystem analysis to identify complementary marketing research tools that could be integrated with their platform, creating a more unified solution for customer acquisition.

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