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Co-selling is a collaborative sales approach where two or more partner companies combine their resources, expertise and networks to accelerate the sales process and increase the likelihood of closing deals. This strategic partnership involves sharing insights, providing warm introductions and teaming up on joint sales pitches to present a unified front to potential customers.

Co-selling leverages the strengths of each partner, filling product gaps, boosting close rates and increasing deal sizes. Co-selling often begins with account mapping, a process that involves identifying overlapping customers and prospects within both parties' partner networks. Based on these insights, partners can engage in warm introductions, where one partner leverages their existing relationship with a prospect to facilitate a connection for the other partner. Alternatively, partners can team up for joint sales efforts, combining their complementary products or services to offer a more holistic solution to the customer.

Successful co-selling requires that both partners have clear communication channels, share goals and objectives and design incentives that encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing. Co-selling is often tracked through a few key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of partner-influenced or partner-sourced deals to determine its effectiveness and areas for improvement.


To have a successful co-selling relationship, your partner manager will need to develop a co-marketing plan to outline business goals and joint messaging for the two businesses.

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