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Cloud Marketplace

Cloud Marketplace


A cloud marketplace is a digital storefront hosted by a cloud service provider, offering a selection of software applications and services that integrate with a provider's core offerings. Here, businesses can discover, purchase and manage cloud-based solutions, streamlining their procurement process and accelerating their digital transformation initiatives. Cloud marketplaces have become increasingly popular among enterprise customers, with Gartner reporting that over half of their software purchases now occur through these platforms.

This surge in demand is driven by several factors, including the convenience of a one-stop shop for cloud solutions, simplified procurement processes and the ability to leverage existing cloud credits or commitments. For SaaS companies, listing their products on cloud marketplaces can be hugely beneficial.

It offers a cost-effective way to reach a huge audience of potential customers, increase brand visibility and drive revenue growth. By using the marketplace's established infrastructure and marketing channels, SaaS companies can streamline their go-to-market and customer acquisition strategy. Additionally, cloud marketplaces often offer features like automated billing and provisioning, further simplifying the sales process and reducing operational overhead.


The AWS Marketplace, a well-known cloud marketplace operated by Amazon Web Services, offers a variety of software solutions, ranging from infrastructure and development tools to business applications and security services.

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