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Cost Per View (CPV)

Cost Per View (CPV)


Cost per View (CPV) is a marketing KPI that determines the cost incurred for each view or play of a video ad by a user. CPV is commonly employed in video ad campaigns, where advertisers pay only when their video is watched or engaged with by viewers, making it an effective and cost-efficient model for brand awareness.

Unlike other advertising models, CPV ensures that advertisers are charged solely for genuine engagement with their video content. This engagement can include watching a certain duration of the video, clicking on interactive elements, or taking specific actions after watching the video.

To calculate CPV, the total cost of the video ad campaign is divided by the number of verified views or engagements.


Syed carefully monitored the performance of his brand's latest affiliate partner video ad campaign, rejoicing as the cost per view remained within their budget, ensuring that each view  delivered maximum value to his partnership's success.

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