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Marketing Partner

Marketing Partner


Marketing partners, often referred to as affiliate partners, are individuals or businesses who leverage their own audience and platforms to drive traffic to a company’s products or services.

They earn a percentage commission for every successful referral or conversion through a customized link or referral code. Essentially, a marketing partner offers outsourced sales services for companies.

Companies working with marketing partners track the links through internal analytics or a PRM tool (partner relationship management) to see how many convert to sales.

For businesses, marketing partners are a valuable asset. They offer a cost-effective way to reach new audiences, increase brand awareness and drive sales. By tapping into the partner's established credibility and trust, they can reach potential customers who might be otherwise difficult to access.

For marketing partners, it's a chance to monetize their audience and expertise. By promoting products or services they believe in or are experts in, they can earn a passive income while providing value to their followers. It's a mutually beneficial relationship that can drive brand awareness and revenue for both sides.


A popular productivity YouTuber includes affiliate links to a project management software in their latest Youtube video, earning a commission for each new lead they refer.

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