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Application Form

Application Form


An application form consists of a series of questions prospective partners have to answer before joining a partner program. Potential partners must complete this form to be considered for your program.

It's like a job interview for partnerships, making sure companies can gauge a prospect's fit for the program, including their goals, strengths, and what they can offer to the program. The information from an application form helps determine whether a potential partner is worth investing in or if they're better suited for a different opportunity. It’s important for companies to screen all potential partners as they’ll be publicly associating with the company.

Basic application forms typically ask for:

  • Contact information
  • Reason for joining
  • Website
  • Social media links.

However, questions might cover everything from the partner's target market and industry expertise to their marketing presence and revenue goals. Application forms are a great tool for companies and partners to find matches that drive mutual success.

See more: How to promote your program and recruit the right partners.


A B2B SaaS company specializing in project management tools is launching a new affiliate partner program. To ensure a good fit, their application form asks potential partners about their LinkedIn presence and their experience with similar tools.

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