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Affiliate Link

Affiliate Link


An affiliate link is a unique link assigned to an affiliate partner by a partner program. These links are uniquely assigned to affiliate partners and an important tool for affiliate programs. When a user on a website clicks on this specialized link, it registers as a visit attributed to the affiliate partner. Each affiliate link contains a distinct identifier, such as an affiliate's ID or username, ensuring accurate tracking of traffic and user interactions.

This tracking capability allows affiliate partners to receive recognition and rewards for the traffic they direct. Also, if the user who clicks on the affiliate link proceeds to make a purchase or complete a desired action — such as subscribing to a service or purchasing software — the conversion is credited back to the affiliate partner. This process not only incentivizes affiliates to drive quality traffic but also ensures transparency and accountability within affiliate marketing relationships.


Jacob signed up for Razor's affiliate program and was assigned an affiliate link that he shared in his YouTube description box and on his website.

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