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Partner Onboarding

Partner Onboarding


Partner onboarding is the process of educating and training a new partner in a partnership program to be able to perform the duties required of their participation. Partner onboarding occurs after the partner has formally agreed to join the program and the terms of the partnership have been defined and agreed upon.

While it can be run differently from program to program, it’s designed to educate, equip and empower partners to hit the ground running. It typically involves a combination of training sessions and resources covering everything from product knowledge and sales techniques to marketing strategies and platform navigation.

The objective of onboarding is to ensure that partners are fully equipped to fulfill their end of the agreement.

This may include (but isn't limited to):

  • Marketing the vendor's product
  • Referring leads
  • Selling the vendor's product
  • Advertising affiliate links

Onboarding may include certification courses so the partner can prove their knowledge of the product and platform is sufficient before proceeding with marketing or sales activities.

Related: Why partner education can make or break your partner program.


ItelCo agreed to a referral partnership with Panner and started partner onboarding shortly after the agreement was signed. ItelCo took courses and completed all necessary certifications, learning about Panner and their referral process as they went.

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