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Indirect Sales

Indirect Sales


Indirect sales is a strategic sales approach where partners, such as resellers, agencies or affiliate marketers, sell a company’s products and services to customers and there is no direct contact between the company and the buyer.

Unlike direct sales, where companies sell their products or services directly to customers, indirect sales channels tap into the partner's existing customer base and expertise. This model is particularly suited for B2B SaaS companies looking to rapidly scale their operations while reducing overhead costs associated with building and maintaining a large sales team.

In the indirect sales model, the partner organization acts as an intermediary between the company and the end customer, handling sales, marketing and sometimes even customer support. This allows the company to focus on other areas of growth while using the partner's established relationships and industry knowledge to accelerate sales cycles.

Some benefits of indirect sales include:

  • Rapid Scalability: Use the partner's existing network to quickly reach a wider audience.
  • Reduced Overhead: Lower sales and marketing costs by utilizing the partner's resources.
  • Market Expansion: Access new markets and customer segments through the partner's expertise.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Build trust and credibility through established partners.

Through their indirect sales partnership with an affiliate agency, the HR software startup was able to go-to-market and triple their customer base within a year.

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