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Referral Link

Referral Link


A referral link is a unique, trackable URL provided to partners enrolled in a referral program. This specialized link allows companies to attribute leads or sales generated through that specific link back to the referring partner. It is a helpful tool for incentivizing referrals, tracking the effectiveness of referral campaigns and accurately rewarding partners for their contributions.

Referral links are mutually beneficial. For companies, referral links provide a cost-effective way to reach new audiences, generate high-quality leads and boost revenue growth. For partners, these links offer an opportunity to earn rewards or commissions by simply sharing their experiences and recommending products or services they believe in. Referral links are usually shared through various channels, such as email, social media or websites, making it easy for partners to promote a company's products or services to their network.

When a potential customer clicks on a referral link, they are directed to the company's website or a specific landing page, where their activity can be tracked and attributed to the referring partner. Referral links usually use cookies to track customer activity and ensure that if a potential customer comes back before a certain period, they’ll still receive the commission.


Upon joining a B2B software company's partner program, the Instagram influencers received a unique referral link that they could embed in their bio. For every new customer who signed up, they earned a generous commission.

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