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Quarterly Partner Spotlight: Highlighting 5 Key Partner Opportunities for B2B SaaS

We’ve rounded up some of the top partners for B2B SaaS brands to consider partnering with in Q4.

We already know the value of partnerships for closing deals and growing revenue. Partnerships is an efficient revenue channel that exposes SaaS brands to new audiences with one of the lowest customer acquisition costs. 

But driving a high volume of new partners to a program isn’t enough to make it a success. Recruiting right-fit partners who can complement new and existing go-to-market motions is the key to success.  And with over 100K active partners in the PartnerStack Network, world class partnerships are plentiful, but it can be difficult to know where to begin.

PartnerStack provides B2B SaaS companies with the tools to scale their partnership successfully: from recruitment to tracking and optimizing. Joining the PartnerStack Marketplace is proven to significantly increase revenue for brands by up to an incredible 541 per cent

And to catapult even more growth, we’re highlighting several high-potential partners each quarter. It’s bringing your next partner opportunity to your fingertips. Join the PartnerStack Network and start earning today. 

The logo for Slashdot media

Partner: Slashdot Media

Why we recommend them: Demand generation, leveled up 

Preferred offer structures: Flat rate, cost per lead, cost per click, cost per mille

About Slashdot Media 

Slashdot Media — a global leader in technology forums and software review content — is a demand generation partner that allows B2B SaaS brands to meet their ideal customer personas mid-funnel where they are already shopping. 

Why B2B SaaS companies should partner with Slashdot Media

Rich experience in their niche

Slashdot Media's iconic brand, SourceForge, serves 20M+ B2B software buyers each month by helping them find and connect with software and technology sellers via content and community forums. 

Their targeted account-based marketing strategy, fed by unique consumer data and insights, powers demand generation and partnership solutions for 1000+ software and technology companies today. 

Roger Sheppard, President at Slashdot Media, elaborates on what makes Slashdot Media so effective as a B2B SaaS partner: 

“First, is our experience and results. We have a rich 20+ year history successfully helping thousands of large and small companies in the B2B tech sector find and engage with new customers and grow their business. Second, is our audience. Providing a marketplace that connects buyers and sellers — at scale and globally — is unique in the market,” says Sheppard.  

Seamless onboarding processes

Sheppard and team have gone to extensive lengths to make sure that their B2B partners get the most out of their partnership by making onboarding as seamless as possible. 

“We make things easy and consumable for clients,” says Sheppard, “meaning we package our demand generation solutions into affordable packages that include multiple tactics such as buyer traffic to your website, intent data, retargeting, display advertising.” 

This has allowed them to create a one-stop shop that surrounds the client’s buying audience.


Partner: Upsellit

Why we recommend them: Your partner in retargeting to convert closed-lost leads into customers

Preferred offer structures: Revenue share, cost per lead, cost per acquisition, flat fee

About Upsellit

Upsellit is a global innovator in behavioral marketing, creating hyper-personalized retargeting solutions that increase conversions, decrease cart abandonment and generate increased average order value for SaaS brands’ ideal customers. UpSellit’s technology helps B2B SaaS brands recapture leads and then nurtures those leads into incremental conversions. 

Why B2B SaaS companies should partner with UpSellit

Decrease lost customer opportunities

According to Kevin Fletcher, Partnership Executive at UpSellit, “B2B SaaS partners should work with UpSellit because [our technology] directly addresses two critical business needs: reducing abandonment and increasing new customer acquisition. By leveraging advanced Exit Detect technology and personalized one-to-one messaging, UpSellit re-engages visitors at the exact moment they are about to abandon a site.”

The result? More converted customers. Partnering with UpSellit means maximizing your customer acquisition efforts — especially important in a B2B marketplace, where complex products can require more than one touch to convert.

A tailored approach for B2B SaaS

UpSellit doesn’t wait around to show the value of its technology as a partner — SaaS vendors who adopt the web pixel see almost immediate benefits of the partnership.

Fletcher elaborates that UpSellit’s “unique combination of abandonment recovery and conversion rate optimization ensures that partners see immediate benefits”. Plus, with a bespoke and collaborative strategy for each unique B2B partnership, UpSellit adopts a tailored approach to driving SaaS adoption in crowded markets. 

You might also like: Here’s what you should know about both technical and solution partners.


Partner: Linkbux

Why we recommend them: Access to a premier subnetwork. What if a partner wasn’t just a partner, but a network in and of itself? 

Preferred offer structures: Any

About Linkbux

Linkbux is a premium affiliate subnetwork, feeding over 24K publishers with offers from over 60K B2B and B2C merchants. Playing in both the traditional influencer and affiliate marketing space, Linkbux’s network has driven hundreds of thousands of dollars in B2B SaaS sales to date, thanks to plugging PartnerStack clients’ offers into an active network of engaged partners. 

Why B2B SaaS companies should partner with Linkbux

The power of an affiliate network

By tapping into this network, B2B companies instantly gain access to thousands of publishers across the world with the ability to narrow reach into targeted partner profiles. With global presence across North America and Europe, B2B SaaS clients who want to work with Linkbux benefit from efficient affiliate program expansion into new markets.

Rapid audience growth 

From Regis Ferreira, Account Manager at Linkbux shares one of the greatest advantages of Linkbux's subnetwork: access to a wider audience through trusted affiliates. “This boosts online visibility and helps drive sales growth,” he shares.

Partnering with Linkbux is an incredible way to plug into a thriving network of influencers and affiliates as a seamless extension of PartnerStack’s longtail network partners. 

Klay Media logo

Partner: Klay Media

Why we recommend them: Premium content and ideal placements

Preferred offer structures: Cost per lead, cost per click, flat fee

About Klay Media

Klay Media is all about eyeballs — the right ones. They excel at putting B2B SaaS brands in front of high-intent audiences on leading publications’ websites. Klay Media combines commerce solutions with B2B affiliate partnerships optimized for organic reach. 

When you partner with Klay Media, you get access to premium content placements on world-renowned publications. B2B SaaS vendors can leverage PartnerStack and Klay Media together to track conversions from top of funnel content to lead. 

Why should B2B SaaS companies should partner with Klay Media

Premium brand exposure 

Klay Media gives B2B SaaS clients access to premium content placements across their reputable site network (including Newsweek Vault) to elevate their brand and attract their ideal customers.  As TJ Webb, Partnerships and Insights Manager, puts it, “Through the development of hyper-targeted commerce strategies, we connect with millions of consumers ready to purchase; creating sustainable, scalable growth for brands.”

Industry-leading expertise 

By partnering with some of the biggest content brands in the industry, the team is able to activate exclusive and customized content placements reaching high-intent customers. As Webb puts it, “Our team of SEO thought leaders, content creators and partnership managers have successfully activated and optimized more than $100 million in media across some of the biggest names in the industry.”

Fidel API logo

Partner: Fidel API

Why we recommend them: A path to your ideal customers that isn’t overly reliant on search

Preferred offer structures: Cost per acquisition, flat fee

About Fidel API

Fidel API is a global infrastructure platform that makes card-linked experiences simple and scalable, giving merchants access to millions of cardholder communities around the world. By powering card-linked offers for companies like Mastercard and Visa for Small Business, PartnerStack SaaS vendors can leverage Fidel API’s technology to create and deliver value-added offers to their ideal customers. 

Why should B2B SaaS companies should partner with Fidel API

Tap into ideal audiences

As Fidel API’s Ciara McCullough puts it, “We have access to over 18M business card holders through our B2B Publishers as well as the opportunity to explore other audiences that can suit your business needs.” Fidel API’s network allows SaaS brands to tap directly into business audiences that are primed for engagement and driving meaningful transactions. 

Conversion through value-added offers

Card-linked offer experiences provide customers with unique, value-added incentives that make them more likely to spend. Ciara clarifies that “B2B customers have two times the average transaction value” compared to customers who come through other channels.

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[joynt ven·chr]

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SaaS partner programs

[sas pahrt-ner proh-grams]

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