
Tech Jobs According to Dog Breeds

We're breaking down the best tech jobs, according to popular dog breeds.

Let’s be real, golden retriever energy is perfect for fueling partnerships. Dog breeds have specific characteristics that dog lovers and enthusiasts know and love. These domesticated descendants of the wolf exhibit various sets of traits and behaviors that appeal to a variety of people. In this fun work culture piece, we’re breaking down tech jobs and the ideal temperaments and behaviors that are associated with them.

See more: The best tech jobs for your zodiac sign.

Customer Success Manager: Pug

An image of a pug and its related tech job, customer service manager

A good customer success manager (CSM) supports customers of your business as they transition from sales prospect to a user of your SaaS product. Like pugs, loyalty and a warm, playful temperament can be key for making these relationships work. They work to build long-term, sustainable relationships with the customer base, earning trust and help to avoid churn. The pug breed is confident, active without being hyper active and engaging without being too clingy — which is important when striking a balanced approach to people. Pugs, like a strong CSM, are easy to train and fun to be around.

Software Developer: Great Dane

An image of a great dane dog as the tech job its representing, software developer

Software developers or software designers, create software and applications that help users complete a variety of tasks — from streaming music to project management. Like great danes, who are friendly, dependable and patient, their roles see them reviewing and improving current systems, innovating projects they’re part of and creating fresh codes for programs. They typically collaborate with project managers and other software developers to best support the work they’re doing. Great danes are powerful gentle giants who require enough mental stimulation to motivate them through tasks but have the patience and trainability to shape into the best they can be.

Affiliate Marketing Manager: Beagle

A beagle and its tech job representative, affiliate marketing manager

Organizations hire affiliate marketing managers to help drive revenue, increase reach and visibility. These professionals manage relationships with partners and/or affiliates while often running and growing partner programs. Beagles are cheerful hounds who prefer company (but can also work well alone), they’re typically even-tempered, curious pups who live to be part of the action. Because affiliate marketing managers work to maximize the org’s ROI through affiliate programs, they need to be clever marketers who can run campaigns as well as showcase savvy business strategies to tie into their successful efforts. Beagles are self-starters who are known for their intelligence and can learn quickly — getting into healthy work routines where they can sniff out ways to improve every day.

Corgi: Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

A corgi dog and the tech job its representing, chief marketing officer

Corgis were traditionally bred to herd cattle and sheep in Wales — much like a chief marketing officer (CMO) is selected to herd go-to-market teams — aligning a company’s overall marketing and sales strategy. Ultimately, a good CMO is measured based on their ability to increase company’s sales by developing and executing revenue-driving marketing and advertising campaigns. Like the regal corgi, providing strong leadership and managing a variety of important relationships is key to success in this executive leadership role. Highly adaptable, very friendly, strong-training potential and moderate grooming needs, the adorable corgi makes for an admirable and inspiring CMO at a SaaS company.

Related: Here’s how to pitch a compelling business case to a CMO.

Sales Lead: Chihuahua

A chihuahua dog and the tech job its representing, sales lead

Sales are an integral — and vocal — part of any tech organization. Like traditional B2C sales, it involves understanding a product inside and out, but unlike B2C, B2B products change rapidly, and are often integrated with other partner technology to improve the product, meaning those in this role need to be tenacious and adaptable. A sales lead position demands both intelligence and a charming personality that can command a room (or virtual meeting) to win over internal stakeholders and prospects alike. They’re much like the chihuahua, with their affectionate temperament and attention-grabbing demeanor despite their small stature. These big personality dogs won’t be bowled over easily; when they have a case to make, you’ll hear it. 

Web Developer: Poodle

A poodle dog and the tech job its representing, web developer

A proficiency in coding, problem solving skills and self-starter attitude are the bones of a good web developer. These roles are highly sought after in tech as clean, well-written code is the basis of a high quality SaaS product. Though they often complete the bulk of their work independently, they work in highly collaborative environments and need to communicate with stakeholders who often speak totally different languages than them (quite literally, from Python to SQL). Poodles, chic as they may be, are a highly intelligent pooch who learn quickly and excel in different areas from watersport to hunting. They also play well with most — from other canines to children, they make a great companion. 

Read more: Our picks for the best B2B software in the market right now.

Mobile Developer: German Shepherd

A German shepherd dog and the tech job its representing, mobile developer

This specialized professional is an expert at the small screen, designing and developing software applications for Android and iOS devices. It’s a growing field that those in web development can focus on, with many of the same duties from inception to debugging. We think the German Shepherd, a herding dog with a history in policing, is not dissimilar. Highly intelligent and dedicated to their task (it’s what makes them such great guard dogs), their attentive skills and love of a challenge make them suited for complex tasks, just like a mobile developer.

Partner Manager: Golden Retriever

A golden retriever dog and the tech job its representing, partner manager

Relationships are the heart of partnerships and partner managers are what keeps that heart beating. From recruiting new partners to delivering the templates and tools needed to scale success, these busy professionals are often juggling many balls and need a healthy dose of energy and enthusiasm to keep their partners and ELT happy at their tech company. Bounding along with them is the golden retriever, a congenial breed of dog that’s widely appreciated not just for their even, yet playful nature, but also their brains. They’re an active, highly trainable dog that often suits families well, cheerfully trotting alongside their companions. What’s not to love about both these beasts? 

Related: 10 skills any partner manager should have to succeed.

Data Analyst: Husky

A husky dog and the tech job its representing, data analyst

The demand for data analysts has continued to see growth; and it’s no wonder. These key players in the tech sector are responsible for organizing and interpreting data to present across the business. By acting as the laypeople between the mass of data and key stakeholders, data analysts help inform better business decisions. Like data analysts, huskies have sharp analytical skills and are alert to predators or prey. They have an independent nature, yet they also are known to work in packs to drive sleds. Their keen eyes catch more than most dogs and these critically thinking canines do best with a good amount of mental stimulation.

Image sources: Unsplash, Rawpixel, Freepik and Vecteezy

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