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Research Lab Launch: PartnerStack’s New Data Initiative is Here

PartnerStack brings you exclusive data and insights to support your go-to-market strategy.

The Research Lab is here to help you. PartnerStack launched a new data initiative in May 2023 to support ecosystem leaders and partnership professionals with actionable insights to boost their performance in today’s market. Indirect partnerships revenue opportunities have never felt this accessible — even in these shaky market conditions.

Partnerships work. Though the why is clear (together is better, almost always), the how comes up time and again — across the various industries like film, television and media, big tech, SaaS and others — that leverage it. When we talk to our customers, partnerships professionals and B2B experts, the one thing they all have in common is the desire to better understand exactly how to use partnerships to grow and scale revenue for their companies. So, to avoid painting partnerships with one broad stroke through anecdotal examples, we mined our own ecosystem for exclusive, hard data to anchor our stories in that best support partnerships at all levels.

The lab reports tell the story by the numbers so ecosystem leaders can advance their plot. 

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Going beyond tactical partnerships content — anchoring expert advice in trustworthy data

A good how-to, sweet tips and tricks from the experts doing the work and best-of round ups all have their place in a B2B professional’s toolkit — but the secret to success with indirect revenue is always in the data. Whether you’re running an affiliate, referral, reseller or another type of partnership program, understanding vendor behavior and how they’re transacting will provide insight to performance and potential. 

Good advice starts with a data point and Research Lab promises to anchor storytelling in facts and data. We’re tracking the numbers and diving deeper into new data-driven opportunities. Charles Lim, PartnerStack’s Head of Brand and Communications, is committed to bringing more market research and ecosystem data from the network lit up with more than 80,000 active partners that ecosystem leaders can use for their specific business needs. “A lot of content that you see in the market is surface level, a lot of things online are based on shaky data,” says Lim. “Our data is strong, reliable, and comes from our ecosystem. We will break down data in digestible charts, provide insights and suggest actionable ways to use it to support your go-to-market strategy.” 

Research Lab reports are designed to information-share in digestible, accessible ways that ecosystem professionals can easily consume. Data tastes better when it’s comprehensible. 

See more: How to become an ecosystem led company in 2023.

B2B professions and SaaS businesses can gain insight on vendor behavior, transactions and more key data

In Research Lab’s first report, PartnerStack is Changing the Game for Partnership Ecosystems in 2023, the deep-dive into PartnerStack’s exclusive ecosystem data provides fresh, relevant data synthesized and analyzed to help support your go-to-market strategy.

For the first time ever, proprietary data such as yearly Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) on the platform is being published with the purpose of providing insight to the ecosystem industry during shaky market conditions. Knowledge is power and these hard numbers can support better decision-making for B2B professionals looking to level-up their performances.

Bryn Jones, CEO of PartnerStack, remains optimistic and believes the future looks bright for partnership ecosystems. “Our promising data captures transactions, Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) and other key data sets that ecosystem leaders need to stand out in the competitive tech space in 2023,” says Jones. “With more businesses growing their indirect revenue, PartnerStack continues to encourage partnerships and provide the necessary information to set businesses up for success.”

The data team at PartnerStack is tracking the numbers in efforts to capture compelling insights and provide a sense of future trends in the market. The goal is to support the success of partnership ecosystems and revenue growth within the network.

Related: Partnership performance KPIs you should be tracking and measuring.

PartnerStack’s network supports healthy conversion rates when it comes to new customers for vendors within our ecosystem

With implied conversion rates of 14.3% for vendors converting new customers, PartnerStack is putting transparency of data first. Through expert interviews, market research and hard numbers at the heart of reporting, Research Lab aims to deliver facts and stats to help ecosystem leaders navigate the tough market.

The new data initiative will provide best-in-class data and insights to B2B ecosystems and support the partnerships industry through good and bad times. PartnerStack’s Research Lab hopes to build trust with audiences and industry professionals through compelling data, thorough research and engaging reporting. Check out the lab now.

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