
Email Templates: Streamline Your Partner Program With Ready-to-Use Templates

Here are six tactical templates that you can make use of for your partner program today.

We know that partner managers at SaaS companies are busy, juggling many priorities and KPIs, often without a dedicated partnerships team. Automating tasks like partner onboarding communications can be a great way to provide different partner types with the information they need to get them set up for success in your partnership program. But crafting these communications can be time-consuming and it can be tempting to turn to AI chatbots. While tools like ChatGPT can be helpful as a a starting point for creating messaging, you'll want to ensure that you're sending out accurate, partner program-specific communications that will help you meet your program goals. That's exactly why we created these customizable email marketing templates to save partnerships professionals time while maximizing conversions.

Related: Why ChatGPT won’t replace your job (and how to use it to your advantage instead).

Boost the success of your partnership programs with these professionally-designed email templates from our PartnerStack onboarding team that are made specifically to save you time and grow partner engagement. Browse through templates for every need — from excellent onboarding welcome emails to set new partners up for success to breakdowns of all the need-to-know essentials created specifically for affiliate, referral and reseller partners . Use these as a jumping off point by downloading and customizing the templates to suit your exact partnership program needs. Our collection of customizable email templates for your affiliate, referral and reseller campaigns allows you to automate partner communications so you can focus your time elsewhere. Get the templates below.

If you want to get back even more time, learn how to automate these email templates using the PartnerStack platform. Keep your partners engaged in even less time with this helpful platform feature.

The best email marketing template to welcome partners to your program

The best email marketing template to explain the benefits of your partnership program

See more: Here's how automation can save you time and money.

The best email marketing template to activate and enable successful partners

Love these email marketing templates for your partner program? We have even more ready-to-customize templates, including onboarding for affiliate, referral and reseller partners. Download the full template package above.

You might also like: Here's how SMB onboarding works at PartnerStack.

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[joynt ven·chr]

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[bahy-er per-soh-nuh]

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[sas pahrt-ner proh-grams]

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