
Black Friday 2022: Tips and Tricks for Running Deals in B2B Partnerships

Here’s how to drive revenue this shopping season.

We know you’re eyeing down that fancy vacuum and new set of headphones, but have you thought about taking advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday for your partnerships ecosystem? While the season of shopping is traditionally B2C-focused, vendors can (and should!) leverage deals and promotions to drum up interest in their partnerships programs, too. 

Want to take advantage of Black Friday to grow your partner program? We’ve rounded up some helpful tips and tricks for Black Friday deals in the partnerships space to help you create and market your own deals. While you’re furiously clicking “add to cart,” take a moment to let us know about any deals you’re running for your network in the form at the bottom of the page, too. We just might shout your deal out to our partner network!

Here’s how you can take advantage of Black Friday deals in the partnerships industry. 

B2B Black Friday deal ideas

Let’s talk about the best ways to set up your Black Friday deals. From a partner’s perspective, the most effective thing vendors can do is help the partner convert more of their audience into customers. This will benefit the partner via commissions. Go for simple offerings like these:

Percentage discount on products

  • Offering 10-30% off on all products/plans
  • Offering 10-30% off of top selling products/plans

These deals can be run indefinitely or for a set amount of time — for example, the discount applies for six months, then the customer would convert to a regular-priced plan. Indefinite deals are an attractive incentive since they lower the cost of your product or plan for the lifetime of the customer. Everyone likes long-term savings!

You may also like: How app marketplaces help B2B partner ecosystems thrive with revenue.

Sales incentives

  • Make a set number of sales in a given time period and be entered into a raffle for a prize
  • Make a set number of sales in a given time period and win a gift card
  • Make a set number of sales in a given time period and earn an extra percentage bonus
  • Make a set number of sales in a given time period and use the product for free (a great one if partners have a sought-after product!)

These incentives can also be applied to new lead traffic instead of conversions depending on your desired metrics. When it comes to setup, remember that triggers can be used to implement these rewards, or you can create new challenges. Rewards are an incredibly important part of your partner program structure in general, with appropriate and appealing incentives playing a key role in long-term engagement and investment. Making them extra appealing during Black Friday is an easy way to stir up interest in your program. 

Resourcing and enabling Black Friday deals 

When you’ve got your deals in mind, it’s time to consider resourcing and enablement. Here are some actions that support inbound recruitment for customers and partners for your deals:

Black Friday campaign checklist

  • Create alternative landing pages
  • Run campaigns on social media
  • Write one-pagers to distribute
  • Send email blasts 
  • Prepare your internal sales trackers/analytics

It’s best to start planning around Black Friday and Cyber Monday well in advance — think having a plan in place and communications running by the end of October at the latest. You’ll only get the maximum number of deals closed if they’re marketed well to your whole customer audience, so start early and remind often. 

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