Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct ensures the proper and appropriate use of the PartnerStack Platform. The aim is to ensure that all interaction over the Platform remains within set guidelines and to avoid abuse of the services.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Code of Conduct (“Code”) is to ensure the appropriate use of the PartnerStack Platform and Services by clients, partners and permitted users; to maintain the security, safety, integrity, and reliability of the PartnerStack Platform, and protect the interests of all users.

2. Your Use of the Platform

The “PartnerStack Platform” or “Platform” refers to the proprietary Software-as-a-Service Platform offered by PartnerStack that allows PartnerStack Clients to build, manage, market and grow various partner programs “Partner Programs” (collectively the “Permitted Use”). The PartnerStack Platform also allows third party partners, resellers, influencers, community members or affiliates (“Partners”) to identify and participate such Partner Programs offered by Clients. Through these Partner Programs, Partners may earn commissions (“Commissions”) from Clients. Your use of the Platform must be consistent with the Permitted Use and, as such, you agree to provide only true, complete, and accurate information to and through the Platform and to only use the Platform to communicate in a manner consistent with the Permitted Use. Any uses that are inconsistent with the Permitted Use are prohibited and may lead to the suspension of your login credentials and account.

When you use the Platform, you may upload or provide content or information and communicate with others.  You agree that you have all appropriate rights to anything you provide to or through the Platform.  

PartnerStack has the right (but not the obligation) to remove or disable access to unacceptable content that you provide to or through the Platform in its sole discretion.  Please do not upload or provide any personal information to the Platform, as other users may have the ability to see and use any such information.  Communications made by or to you through the Platform are neither confidential nor Confidential Information and PartnerStack cannot and does not guarantee the security of data transmitted over the Internet or public networks in connection with your use of the Platform.

3. Account Registration

To access the Platform, you must create an account with a unique username and password for use as login credentials (each, a “User ID”).  You must keep your User ID confidential and secure. Do not disclose or share your User ID.  You are responsible for all acts, omissions and content carried out under your User ID and PartnerStack will consider all acts, omissions and content on the Platform under your User ID as authorized by you.  If you have any reason to believe that your User ID has been compromised, please contact PartnerStack immediately.

4. Prohibited Use

You will not engage in any of the following on the Platform (collectively, the “Prohibited Use”):

a) “frame”, “mirror” or otherwise incorporate the Platform or any part thereof on any commercial or non-commercial website;

b) access, monitor or copy any part of the Platform using any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means or any manual process;

c) violate the restrictions in any robot exclusion headers on the Platform or bypass or circumvent other measures employed to prevent or limit access to the Platform;

d) take any action that imposes, or may impose, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Platform;

e) deep-link to any portion of the Platform for any purpose;

f) remove any watermarks, labels or other legal or proprietary notices within the Platform;

g) modify or attempt to modify the Platform, including any modification for the purpose of disguising or changing any indications of the ownership or source of the Platform;

h) use the Platform as part of any service for sharing, lending or multi-person use;

i) attempt to, assist, authorize or encourage others to circumvent, disable or defeat any of the security features or components, such as digital rights management software or encryption, that protect the Platform;

j) copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, transfer, sell, publish, broadcast, perform, transmit, publish, license or circulate in any form any part of the Platform;

k) create adaptations, translations, or derivative works based on the Platform, in whole or in part, or decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or other exploit any part of the Platform;

l) use of access the Platform in a manner that violates the rights (including, but not limited to intellectual property rights) of any third party;

m) send unsolicited messages, spam, or phishing attempts to users or third parties;

n) engage in any activity or conduct of fraudulent nature that violates applicable local, state, federal, laws, regulations or conventions;

o) engage in harassment, bullying, stalking, or abusive behavior towards other users or individuals;

p) engage in any activity or conduct of a fraudulent or deceitful nature; or

q) upload to or transmit through the Platform any information, images, text, data, media or other content that is, in the sole judgment of PartnerStack, offensive, hateful, obscene, defamatory or that violates any laws.  

You must promptly notify PartnerStack of any known or suspected activity within your account or through your login credentials which is or may be a Prohibited Use.

5. Suspension and Termination

If you violate this Code or engage in any Prohibited Use, PartnerStack may temporarily suspend or permanently terminate your access to the Platform without notice in PartnerStack’s sole discretion.  Any termination will immediately remove your ability to access the Platform and PartnerStack may delete any information contained within your account.  Termination of your account will not limit any of PartnerStack’s other rights or remedies under the Agreement, this Code or otherwise.

6. Ownership of Platform

PartnerStack owns all right, title and interest in the Platform, all information, material, or content provided by PartnerStack related to the Platform or contained within the Platform, and any update, adaptation, translation, customization or derivative work thereof, and all intellectual property rights in the Platform, which shall remain with PartnerStack and its licensors. PartnerStack expressly reserves all rights in the Platform, and you shall obtain no ownership or other rights in the Platform by virtue of your use.

7. Acceptance

By using the PartnerStack Platform, you acknowledge and agree to abide by this Code of Conduct. You further agree to cooperate with us to investigate and remedy any violations or threatened violations.