PartnerStack’s corporate colors are used in our main communications.
The PartnerStack mark consists of two ellipses overlapping. The wordmark is set in Inter Bold with a custom T ligature. The monocolor version adds a negative space to where the ellipses intersect.
When reproducing the logo in print, the minimum size is 0.625". For online use, the minimum size is 100 pixels at 72 dpi.
PMS 2726C
CMYK 80 72 0 0
RGB 67 78 225
HEX #434EE1
PMS 2748C
CMYK 100 98 23 24
RGB 10 21 103
HEX #0A1567
PMS 2717C
CMYK 27 23 0 0
RGB 182 188 247
CMYK 0 0 0 100
HEX #000000
CMYK 0 0 0 0
RGB 255 255 255
PMS 663C
CMYK 6 7 9 0
RGB 237 232 226
PartnerStack’s secondary colors are used for expression.
PMS 3632C
CMYK 87 0 47 0
RGB 0 183 167
HEX #00B8A7
PMS 012C
CMYK 8 13 100 0
RGB 238 209 7
PMS 162C
CMYK 0 32 30 0
RGB 247 190 168
PMS 485C
CMYK 0 99 100 0
RGB 225 55 32
HEX #E13720
Our content should give off a consistent vibe across all channels and interactions, so that no matter who comes across our brand can easily make us out from a crowd.
Brand voice refers to the personality infused into PartnerStack’s communications, whereas tone is the emotional inflection layered onto our voice and can be adjusted to what's suitable for a message.
PartnerStack has four distinct voice traits:
Communicate in a warm, personable way that empowers the audience to achieve their goals. Speak like a human and swap formal words for casual, friendly language.
Show domain expertise and back it up with training, data, and experience. Use relevant and timely claims to make content accessible, digestible, and build authority.
Speak transparently and positively about the solutions we offer. Embrace active voice and inclusive language.
Tell the audience what they need to know as early as possible and choose the best words that convey your meaning.