Empower partners through learning paths

You're best positioned to close deals when you concisely and effectively communicate to market and your partners, the problem that your SaaS product solves and how end users can implement it.


"Sales velocity speaks to how effectively you engage prospects and align to helping them solve problems and the value of your product. So I think the more effectively you do that as a business, the more effectively you do that with partners. That sets you up to be more competitive in the market. You’re basically outselling your competition at that point and you are winning in your market.”

Zak Pines, VP of Partnerships



  • Leverage existing marketing materials to empower partners with the know-how for selling your product
  • Offer training sessions or on-demand learning tools
  • Encourage customers to share their success stories with your product as customer advocates

PartnerStack dashboard for vendors

Create a course  

With PartnerStack’s built-in learning management system (LMS), you can create learning paths, interactive courses and modules if you have Training available as a feature in your plan (contact your CSM if you don’t and would like to add this feature).. In your PartnerStack dashboard, go to the Training tab and click Launch the Training Centre. Next, in the top menu content bar, select Content and Create a course. Give the course a name and description that will make partners want to get started.

PartnerStack learning courses

Create a module

Now that you’ve set up a course, you can add individual modules to it that the partner will need to work through in order to complete the course. In the Training tab, click Launch the Training Centre. Next, in the top menu content bar, select Content and Create a module. You’ll have the option to upload an existing file or use the Create tab to build your module. You can also add existing modules to multiple courses.

Create a learning path

Set your partners on the path to success by guiding them through a series of courses. You can designate learning paths as prerequisites and add up to 50 courses to each learning path. In the Training tab, click Launch the Training Centre. Next, in the top menu content bar, select Content and under Quick actions select Create a Learning Path.

Additional resources:
Dive deeper into the best ways to use a learning management system (LMS).

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